The Center seeks to facilitate collaboration with industry through research and education. Partner with Haas faculty and students around the exploratory analysis of your data or a deep-dive into specific research questions.
Collaborate in Research

There are numerous models for partnering with our faculty around your business challenges.

Share data
Adobe has partnered with the Center, sharing internal operational data for exploratory analysis by several faculty across multiple disciplines.

Analyze a Specific Research Question
Working with colleagues at EBay, Professor Steve Tadelis characterized conditions under which paid search advertising provided little value to EBay sales. (Link to Paper)

Anonymously Study a Specific Research Question
Sometimes, firms collaborating with our scholars will anonymize their identity. Professor Sameer Srivastava worked with a Bay Area technology firm to study how the privacy-preserving text analysis of emails reveals how well employees adapt to internal corporate culture and can predict voluntary departures. (Link to paper)

Work with PhD Candidates
As a PhD student, Moshe Barach worked as part of the data science team at His work focused on understanding how machine learning algorithms could be used in conjunction with market mechanisms to create better matches and reduce platform congestion. (Link to paper)
Partner in the Classroom

The Center coordinates classroom collaborations in at least two ways.

Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is a hallmark of the Berkeley Haas experience. In Applied Data Analytics, firms contribute data concerning real business problems. Student teams integrate strategy and analytics to suggest real solutions. Learn More.

Speaker Series and Guest Lectures
The Center coordinates guest lecturers and a Speaker Series that invites industry experts to campus for lectures on applications of business analytics.
Engage Our Students Directly

Outside the classroom, the Center coordinates several opportunities for firms to engage Berkeley Haas students directly.

Tech Challenge
Every year, the best MBA programs including Harvard, Wharton, Kellogg, Duke and Yale compete for the right to visit Berkeley and solve a real-world business challenge presented by a protagonist firm. Join past firms like Facebook, IBM, GE, and VMWare as a protagonist. Learn More

Data Visualization
The Center sponsors a data visualization challenge for the Haas community. Consider contributing a data set and accompanying business problem as a protagonist for data visualization.
Participate in Professional Education

The Center’s Industry relationships extend beyond research to continuing education and promulgating industry best practices.

Executive and Professional Education Programs in Business Analytics bring business leaders to campus to continue their lifelong education. Learn more about these opportunities.

The Center for Business Analytics facilities idea exchange and thought leadership between industry leaders in a peer-to-peer setting.

Become a Sponsor
Fisher Center Individual Sponsor
Your donation will support the Fisher Center, the World Business Analytics Conference, and the AIAI program to increase diversity in business analytics by providing education, internship placement, and job opportunities for women and minorities. Become a contributor to the Alliance for Inclusive AI (AIAI) – help women and underrepresented minorities to gain traction in the field of AI and analytics.
Bronze Sponsor
- Invitation for 3 employees to the World Business Analytics Conference
- Invitation for 3 employees to the exclusive pre-conference event
- Logo on signage, website, and brochure
Silver Sponsor
- Invitation for 5 employees to the World Business Analytics Conference
- Invitation for 5 employees to the exclusive pre-conference event
- Logo on signage, website, and brochure
- Speaking spotlight at the Fisher Summit and pre-summit event
- Introduction to relevant Fisher Center for Business Analytics campus researchers
Gold Sponsor
- Invitation for 7 employees to the World Business Analytics Conference
- Invitation for 7 employees to the exclusive pre-conference event
- Logo on signage, website, and brochure
- Invitations to Fisher Center for Business Analytics private workshops
- Speaking spotlight at the Fisher Summit and pre-summit event
- Opportunity to co-host workshops of interest to the Donor
- Introduction to relevant Fisher Center for Business Analytics campus researchers
- Opportunity to nominate a senior executive to the Fisher Center for Business Analytics Advisory Board
- Invitation to participate in Data Analytics research