Jeremy Stanley
VP Data Science
Previously was Chief Data Scientist & EVP of Engineering at Sailthru, where we built data-driven solutions for marketers to drive long-term customer engagement and optimize revenue opportunities. As Chief Data Scientist, was responsible for the intelligence in the marketing personalization platform, which included prediction, recommendation and optimization algorithms. As EVP Engineering, led development, operations, database and engineering support teams, and partnered with the CTO to drive innovation and stability while scaling. Prior to Sailthru I was the CTO of Collective where I led a team of product managers, engineers and data scientists in creating technology platforms that used machine learning and big data to address challenging multi-screen advertising problems. Collective & technology enabled brand advertisers and their agencies to reach audiences intelligently across screens and formats. Specific products included causal attribution, multi-screen bridging, audience modeling, TV to digital coordination and high performance real time bidding. Prior to Collective, I founded and led the global markets analytics group at Ernst & Young (EY), which analyzed the firm’s markets, financial and personnel data to inform executive decision making. My background in data-driven technology products spans a decade consulting with numerous global financial services firms on predictive modeling applications as a leader in the customer analytics advisory practice at EY.
Dean Abbott
Dean Abbott Co-Founder & Chief Data Scientist at SmarterHQ Applying data mining, data preparation, and data visualization methods to business and research problems since 1987. Data mining course instructor for wide variety of audiences,...
John Elder
John Elder Founder, Elder Research, Inc. Dr. John Elder founded and heads the US's most experienced data science consulting team, with offices in Charlottesville, Virginia, Washington DC, Baltimore MD, and Raleigh, NC....
Michael Housman
Michael Housman Chief Scientific Officer, RapportBoost.ai Human beings are poor decision makers. The field of behavioral economics has documented many cognitive biases - for example, over-confidence bias, loss aversion, outcome bias, hot...